The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 2 Page 2

“I can do this, suh. I have done it a heap of times. Don’t go nigh Pete, suh. He’s mighty quick, and he’s mean.” The beast laid back his ears viciously as David approached.

“You ought not go near him yourself,” he said, taking a firm grip of the bridle.

“Oh, he’s safe enough with me — or Frale. Hold him tight, suh, now you have him, till I get round there. Keep his head towa’ds you. He certainly is mean.”

The colt walked off to a low stack of corn fodder, as she turned him loose with a light slap on the flank; and the mule, impatient, stamping and sidling about, stretched forth his nose and let out his raucous and hideous cry. While he was thus occupied, the girl slipped off his