The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 2 Page 21

“You helped me when the colt was bad.” Her soft voice, low and monotonous, fell musically on his ear when she spoke.

“Naturally — but how about that, anyway? It’s a wonder you weren’t killed. How came a youngster like you there alone with those beasts?” Thryng had an abrupt manner of springing a question which startled the child, and he edged away, furtively watching his sister.

“Did you hitch that kicking brute alone and drive all that distance?”

“Aunt Sally, she he’ped me to tie up; she give him co’n whilst I th’owed on the strops, an’ when he’s oncet tied up, he goes all right.” The atom grinned. “Hit’s his way. He’s mean, but he nevah works both ends to oncet.”