The Pirate Woman by A E Dingle Chapter 4 Page 4

He shivered slightly as his gaze met hers, then, hopping forward on his one good leg and club-foot, he swung a knotty fist against Spotted Dog’s creased jowl and growled:

“A turn wi’ that poison tongue, Spotted Dog. All hands, too, hear me talkin’. Here’s a royal feast spread for us, an’ th’ spreader’s queen o’ th’ pirates! Don’t ever ferget that, lads. I ain’t hankerin’ fer what Rufe’ll get. Away wi’ you, now, an’ I’ll slit th’ winepipe o’ th’ dog as says disrespect to th’ queen.”

And so the rascals trooped down to their hut-village. Noisily, profanely, full of horseplay and ear-burning jests; but never a voice spoke any word that failed in its homage when Dolores was the theme.