The Pirate Woman by A E Dingle Chapter 4 Page 9

leavened the mass; for to the feast came trooping the women of the camp: of a kidney with the men — yet women, with women’s beguilements and softnesses.

Dolores sat alone in the great chamber, careless of the noise outside, her beautiful face dark with somber passion. Beside her chair Milo had placed her treasure chests; hers now, through the death of the terrible old corsair who had amassed them. Idly she had heaped the table with a glittering collection of gems that an empress might well have found interest in; but Dolores frowned as at so much dross, for her thoughts were far away. The filmiest of lace and silken shawls, jeweled slippers, gossamer-gold head dresses, pearls and rubies from India and Persia — all lay in confusion at her hand, and aroused no spark of joy in her breast. From time to time