Women in Love by D H Lawrence Chapter 14 Page 8

his fury, upon the path beside the hedge.

‘Why you’re as silly as they are, to take any notice,’ said Mrs Brangwen also becoming angry now he was really enraged.

‘There are some people coming, father,’ cried Ursula, with mocking warning. He glanced round quickly, and went on to join his wife, walking stiff with rage. And the girls followed, weak with laughter.

When the people had passed by, Brangwen cried in a loud, stupid voice:

‘I’m going back home if there’s any more of this. I’m damned if I’m going to be made a fool of in this fashion, in the public road.’

He was really out of temper. At the sound of his blind, vindictive voice, the laughter suddenly left the girls, and their hearts contracted with contempt. They hated his words