Women in Love by D H Lawrence Chapter 14 Page 93

‘Oh no!’ said Gerald imperiously. ‘We can’t go home while they’re in the water. Turn back again, I’m going to find them.’ The women were frightened, his voice was so imperative and dangerous, almost mad, not to be opposed.

‘No!’ said Birkin. ‘You can’t.’ There was a strange fluid compulsion in his voice. Gerald was silent in a battle of wills. It was as if he would kill the other man. But Birkin rowed evenly and unswerving, with an inhuman inevitability.

‘Why should you interfere?’ said Gerald, in hate.

Birkin did not answer. He rowed towards the land. And Gerald sat mute, like a dumb beast, panting, his teeth chattering, his arms inert, his head like a seal’s head.