Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche Chapter 5 Page 6

Power, may be reminded that Schopenhauer, although a pessimist, ACTUALLY — played the flute...

daily after dinner: one may read about the matter in his biography. A question by the way: a pessimist, a repudiator of God and of the world, who MAKES A HALT at morality — who assents to morality, and plays the flute to laede-neminem morals, what? Is that really — a pessimist?

187. Apart from the value of such assertions as “there is a categorical imperative in us,” one can always ask: What does such an assertion indicate about him who makes it? There are systems of morals which are meant to justify their author in the eyes of other people; other systems of morals are meant to tranquilize him, and make him self-satisfied; with other systems he wants to crucify and