Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche Chapter 7 Page 13

let the psychologist have his ears open through all the vanity, through all the noise which is natural to these preachers (as to all preachers), he will hear a hoarse, groaning, genuine note of SELF-CONTEMPT.

It belongs to the overshadowing and uglifying of Europe, which has been on the increase for a century (the first symptoms of which are already specified documentarily in a thoughtful letter of Galiani to Madame d’Epinay) — IF IT IS NOT REALLY THE CAUSE THEREOF! The man of “modern ideas,” the conceited ape, is excessively dissatisfied with himself — this is perfectly certain. He suffers, and his vanity wants him only “to suffer with his fellows.”

223. The hybrid European — a tolerably ugly plebeian, taken all in all