Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche Chapter 9 Page 35

truthfulness above everything else, and called out constantly to his pupils: “Be true! Be natural! Show yourselves as you are!” — even such a virtuous and sincere ass would learn in a short time to have recourse to the FURCA of Horace, NATURAM EXPELLERE: with what results? “Plebeianism” USQUE RECURRET. [FOOTNOTE: Horace’s “Epistles,” I. x. 24.]

265. At the risk of displeasing innocent ears, I submit that egoism belongs to the essence of a noble soul, I mean the unalterable belief that to a being such as “we,” other beings must naturally be in subjection, and have to sacrifice themselves. The noble soul accepts the fact of his egoism without question, and also without consciousness of harshness, constraint, or arbitrariness therein, but rather as something