Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche Chapter 9 Page 71

suffering. The UNMANLINESS of that which is called “sympathy” by such groups of visionaries, is always, I believe, the first thing that strikes the eye. — One must resolutely and radically taboo this latest form of bad taste; and finally I wish people to put the good amulet, “GAI SABER” (“gay science,” in ordinary language), on heart and neck, as a protection against it.

294. THE OLYMPIAN VICE. — Despite the philosopher who, as a genuine Englishman, tried to bring laughter into bad repute in all thinking minds — ”Laughing is a bad infirmity of human nature, which every thinking mind will strive to overcome” (Hobbes), — I would even allow myself to rank philosophers according to the quality of their laughing — up to those who are