Gigolo by Edna Ferber Chapter 3 Page 35

they paid well, though they talked too much. G�d�on Gor� was a favourite among them. They thought he was so foreign looking, and kind of sad and stern and everything. His French, fluent, colloquial, and bewildering, awed them. They would attempt to speak to him in halting and hackneyed phrases acquired during three years at Miss Pence’s Select School at Hastings-on-the-Hudson. At the cost of about a thousand dollars a word they would enunciate, painfully:

“Je pense que — um — que Nice est le plus belle — uh — ville de France.”

Giddy, listening courteously, his head inclined as though unwilling to miss one conversational pearl falling from the pretty American’s lips, would appear to consider this gravely. Then, sometimes in an unexpected burst of pure mischief, he would answer: