Gigolo by Edna Ferber Chapter 3 Page 57

but his manner wasn’t so nice and she didn’t like his eyes. Sort of sneaky. Mary said she thought so, too.

Nevertheless she was undoubtedly affable toward him, and talked (in French) and laughed and even walked with him, apparently in complete ignorance of the fact that these things were not done. Mazzetti spoke frequently of his colleague, Gor�, and always in terms of disparagement. A low fellow. A clumsy dancer. One unworthy of Mary’s swanlike grace. Unfit to receive Orson J. Hubbell’s generous fees.

Late one evening, during the mid-week after-dinner dance, Gor� appeared suddenly in the doorway. It was ten o’clock. The Hubbells were dallying with their after-dinner coffee at one of the small tables about the dance floor.