Gigolo by Edna Ferber Chapter 3 Page 41

Hubbell Transportation Company, you read. And below, in yellow lettering on the red background:


There was actually a million in it, and more to come. The buying of the old Gory house on the river bluff had been one of the least of Orson’s feats. And now that house was honeycombed with sleeping porches and linen closets and enamel fittings and bathrooms white and glittering as an operating auditorium. And there were shower baths, and blue rugs, and great soft fuzzy bath towels and little white innocent guest towels embroidered with curly H’s whose tails writhed at you from all corners.

Orson J. and Mrs. Hubbell had never been in Europe before, and they enjoyed themselves enormously. That is to say, Mrs. Orson J.