Gigolo by Edna Ferber Chapter 7 Page 45

sallow skin, dark eyes, vivacity, force. The two, so far apart in years, were united by a strong natural bond of sympathy and alikeness. When they were together on some errand or excursion they had a fine time. If it didn’t last too long.

Sometimes the young married women would complain to each other about their mothers. “I don’t ask her often, goodness knows. But I think she might offer to take the children one or two afternoons during their vacation, anyway. She hasn’t a thing to do. Not a thing.”

Among themselves the grandmothers did not say so much. They had gone to a sterner school. But it had come to this: Hannah was afraid to plan her day. So often had she found herself called upon to forego an afternoon at bridge, a morning’s shopping, an hour’s mending, even, or reading.