Gigolo by Edna Ferber Chapter 7 Page 7

married in wine-coloured silk, very stiff and grand. So stiff and rich that the dress would have stood alone if Hannah had ever thought of subjecting her wedding gown to such indignity. It was the sort of silk of which it is said that they don’t make such silk now. It was cut square at the neck and trimmed with passementerie and fringe brought crosswise from breast to skirt hem. It’s in the old photograph and, curiously enough, while Marcia thinks it’s comic, Joan, her nine-year-old daughter, agrees with her grandmother in thinking it very lovely. And so, in its quaintness and stiffness and bravery, it is. Only you’ve got to have imagination.

While wine-coloured silk wouldn’t have done for a church wedding it was quite all right at home; and Hannah Winter’s had been a home wedding