Gigolo by Edna Ferber Chapter 8 Page 29

each week isn’t so bad. Out of this Mrs. Pardee managed to bank a neat sum. She figured that at the end of ten or fifteen years� .

“I hate them,” said Maxine, washing dishes in the kitchen. “Greedy pigs.”

“They’re nothing of the kind. They like good food, and I’m thankful they do. If they didn’t I don’t know where I’d be.”

“We might be anywhere — so long as it could be away from here. Dull, stupid, stick-in-the-muds, all of them.”

“Why, they’re no such thing, Maxine Pardee! They’re from all over the world, pretty nearly. Why, just last Thursday they were counting there were sixteen different states represented in the eighteen people that sat down to dinner.”