Gigolo by Edna Ferber Chapter 8 Page 7

big-knuckled from toil. She wiped them both on her apron again, bringing the palms down hard along her flat thighs. “Do?” The miracles that millions might accomplish burst full force on her work-numbed brain. “Do? First off I’m a-going to have the washing done out.”

Last week Mrs. Clement Barstow was runner-up in the women’s amateur golf tournament played on the Okoochee eighteen-hole course. She wore tweed knickers. The Barstow place on the Edgecombe Road is so honeycombed with sleeping porches, sun dials, swimming pools, bird baths, terraces, sunken gardens, and Italian marble benches that the second assistant Japanese gardener has to show you the way to the tennis courts.

That’s Okoochee.

It was inevitable