Gigolo by Edna Ferber Chapter 8 Page 36

Pretty good for a tall thin young man who worked in the offices of the Okoochee Oil and Refining Company.

Sometimes he said, “I’m darned certain you like me” — bravely — ”love me. Why won’t you marry me? Cut out all this slaving. I could support you. Not in much luxury, maybe, but — — ”

“And settle down in Okoochee! Never see anything! Stuck in this God-forsaken hole! This drab, dull, oil-soaked village! When there are wonderful people, wonderful places, colour, romance, beauty! Damascus! Mandalay! Singapore! Hongkong!� Hongkong! It sounds like a temple bell. It thrills me.”

“Over in Hongkong,” said Arnold Hatch, “I expect some Chinese Maxine Pardee would say, Okoochee! It sounds like an Indian war drum. It thrills me.’“
