The Kingdom of God is Within You by Leo Tolstoy Chapter 3 Page 24

Besides, if Christ had really founded such an institution as the Church for the foundation of all his teaching and the whole faith, he would certainly have described this institution clearly and definitely, and would have given the only true Church, besides tales of miracles, which are used to support every kind of superstition, some tokens so unmistakable that no doubt of its genuineness could ever have arisen.

But nothing of the sort was done by him. And there have been and still are different institutions, each calling itself the true Church.

The Catholic catechism says: “L'�glise est la soci�t� des fid�les �tablie par notre Seigneur J�sus Christ, r�pandue sur toute la terre et soumise � l'authorit� des pasteurs l�gitimes, principalement notre Saint P�re le Pape,” [see Footnote]