Gigolo by Edna Ferber Chapter 5 Page 19

— the unused bedroom — as a workshop. He had perfected the spectacle contrivance and had made the mistake of selling his rights to it. He got a good sum for it.

“But I’ll never do that again,” he said, grimly. “Somebody’ll make a fortune on that thing.” He had unwisely told Cora of this transaction. She never forgave him for it. On the day he received the money for it he had brought her home a fur set of baum marten. He thought the stripe in it beautiful. There was a neckpiece known as a stole, and a large muff.

“Oh, honey!” Cora had cried. “Aren’t you fun-ny!” She often said that, always with the same accent. “Aren’t you fun-ny!”

“What’s the matter?”