Gigolo by Edna Ferber Chapter 5 Page 62

“Oh, dear,” said Cora. “My hat!” Ray summoned one of the hotel taxis. He helped Cora into it. He put money into the driver’s hand.

“You go on, Cora. I’m going to walk.”

“Walk! Why! But it’s snowing. And you’ll have to dress for dinner.”

“I’ve got a little headache. I thought I’d walk. I’ll be home. I’ll be home.”

He slammed the door then, and turned away. He began to walk in the opposite direction from that which led toward the apartment house. The snow felt cool and grateful on his face. It stung his cheeks. Hard and swift and white it came, blinding him. A blizzard off the lake. He plunged through it, head down, hands jammed into his pockets.