Gigolo by Edna Ferber Chapter 5 Page 51

One night last week there was something must have been baked spare-ribs and sauerkraut. I almost broke in the door.”

The woman in 618 did seem to cook a great deal. That is, when she cooked. She explained that Mr. Hoyt was on the road a lot of the time and when he was home she liked to fuss for him. This when she was helping Cora cut out the georgette negligee.

“I’d get coral colour if I was you, honey. With your hair and all,” Mrs. Hoyt had advised her.

“Why, that’s my name! That is, it’s what Ray calls me. My name’s really Cora.” They were quite good friends now.

It was that same week that Raymond met the woman in 620. He had left the apartment half an hour later than usual