Gigolo by Edna Ferber Chapter 5 Page 49

Cora was interested. She sewed rather well when she was in the mood. “Are they hard to make?”

“Oh, land, no! No trick to it at all. They just hang from the shoulder, see? Like a slip-over. And then your cord comes round — — ”

She stepped in. She undid the box and shook out the vivid folds of the filmy stuff, vivid green and lavender. “You wouldn’t think they’d go well together but they do. Makes a perfectly stunning negligee.”

Cora fingered the stuff. “I’d get some. Only I don’t know if I could cut the — — ”

“I’ll show you. Glad to.” She was very friendly. Cora noticed she used expensive perfume. Her hair was beautifully marcelled. The woman folded up the material and was off, smiling.