Gigolo by Edna Ferber Chapter 5 Page 2

wise-eyed; doll-faced; rapacious. When chiffon stockings are worn Wilson Avenue’s hosiery is but a film over the flesh. Aigrettes and mink coats are its winter uniform. A feverish district this, all plate glass windows and delicatessen dinners and one-room-and-kitchenette apartments, where light housekeepers take their housekeeping too lightly.

At six o’clock you are likely to see Wilson Avenue scurrying about in its mink coat and its French heels and its cr�pe frock, assembling its haphazard dinner. Wilson Avenue food, as displayed in the ready-cooked shops, resembles in a startling degree the Wilson Avenue ladies themselves: highly coloured, artificial, chemically treated, tempting to the eye, but unnutritious. In and out of the food emporia these dart, buying dabs of this and bits of that. Chromatic viands.